Is Saivism the same as Hinduism[vaidika-dharma] [Part:03]

The first civilisation of indigenous tribal people of India began and evolved in the valley of the Indus (Sindhu) river in the period 3300-2600 BC.These settlements evolved into the Mature Harappan civilisation in the period 2600-1900 BC.It was located in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent,consisting of what is now mainly present-day Pakistan and northwest India.In purananuru 202:" listen now ,Araiyam was destroyed,the city belonging to your ancestors,that helped your family with millions of stacked pieces of gold "/"கோடிபல அடுக்கிய பொருள்நுமக்கு உதவிய நீடுநிலை அரையத்துக் கேடும் கேளினி",We find a city called "Araiyam",Here araiyam [அரையம்] means:a metro city,So,many scholars belief that this Arayam may be distorted as Arappa-Harappa,the main city of Indus valley civilization,which stretched from Afghanistan to the River Ganges.The majority of these indigenous tribal people are Dravidian,a linguistic group that includes Tamil.Originally,in the distant archaic past,these people must have migrated out of Africa.Hence,as in Africa, the culture of ancient India was largely matriarchal.Its people celebrated the spiritual mysteries of birth,the seasons and lunar cycles, renewal, rebirth and transcendence.They worshipped spiritual powers associated with fertility,virility and the after-life.So,The spiritual approach of this ancient Indus Valley civilization of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro,was largely a Tantra-oriented culture and it differed from the Vedic practices of the Aryans because it was fundamentally an introversive process rather than an external ritual.Tantra is the original spiritual
science.Tantra is the practice which elevates human beings in a process in which their minds are expanded. It leads human beings from the imperfect to the perfect, from the crude to the subtle, from bondage to liberation.Tantra is more than just a collection of meditation or yoga techniques.There is a particular world-view associated with it. According to Tantra, struggle is the essence of life. The effort to struggle against all obstacles and move from the imperfect to the perfect is the true spirit of Tantra.These Tantric teachings,have generally held women in high regard & were given a special place culturally in society, due to their ability to produce offspring and may be because of these,figurines of women are perhaps the most plentiful in Indus Valley.The most commonly found figurines from Indus valley civilisation are those of a semi-nude figures which is identified with some female energy or Shakti or Mother Goddess,who is the source of all creation.Some of the figures are smoke stained,and it is possible that oil or perhaps,incense was burnt before them in order that the goddess might hearken favourably to petitions.Hence,It is concluded from these smoke stained female figures that the people burnt incense before the deity & worshipped her as most of the tamils still do.However,these indigenous tribal people may have been pushed down into south India when the Aryans,with their more advanced military
technology,commenced their migrations to India as well as due to drought or an overextension of resources.These cities were,then completely destroyed by 1700 BC. However,the Indus Valley religious ideas which centred round the worship of Siva continue to be cherished in Dravidian India,and particularly in the Tamil countries,to this day.The clearest evidence of the Dravidian origin of Siva worship is found in the Aryan attitude towards Linga and the God whom it symbolises.In Rig Veda 7.21.5 we have the significant statement:"Let our true God subdue the hostile rabble:let not the lewd [ShishanDeva] approach our holy worship."The Sanskrit word here is Shishan+Deva which means male sexual organ [Penis] Worshipers.['Let those whose deity is the Phallus not penetrate our Sanctuary"] Siva assumes increased importance only in the later Vedas.The Pashupati seal found in Indus valley civilization, make the historians conclude that the people of those days worshipped Lord Shiva who is the Lord of the Beast (Pashupati). Sir John Marshall’s excavation about 92/93 years ago,in 1922 has proven that Saivism existed 3000 years ago before Christ, that is 5000 years from today.Sir John Marshall has excavated 7 layer of soil in the spot of Mohenjodaro Harappa by an estimation of 500 years per layer.Great India’s philosopher and ex-president of India; Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who wrote History of Hinduism. (Second President of India (1962-1967).“The possibilities of the origin of Saivism is more than the agreed date and period which cannot be determined because the first layer was not identified”This shows that before the Aryans came,Saivism has already florished in India.These facts were all verified by Non Indians,thus makes Saivism the oldest religion in the world. The date of its origin is yet to be accurately identified today.

The Dravidian system of worship was  idolatry, i.e., puja (Poo –sai – Neri) to a concrete religious symbol that enables an average man to love, perceive and comprehend his God. The Dravidians used to worship God with water, leaves and flowers. The Aryan system of worship was ‘yagna’, the imageless worship. The Aryans lit fire and threw animals into it to propitiate their God. They believed that the fire was the messenger who carried their message to their God. This is the fundamental difference between the religions of the Aryans and the Dravidians.However,After aryans migrated towards India from central Asia & conquered  the dravidians, ancient dravidian's religion as well change.Many of the ancient tamil deities assumed fresh characteristics and were equated with similar deities or gods of ancient  Aryan, like Murugan→Skanda or Subrahmanya, Siva→Rudra, Mayon→Vishnu, Kotravai→ Muruga  a Tamil god, son of the wild goddess Kotravai, became identified with Skanda, the son of Shiva & become son of paramasivan & parvathy by Aryans.Aryans who invaded India and destroyed the existing Dravidian Civilization ,successfully used common tactics/Strategy  of Conquerors over the conquered races [Dravidians/Tamils] by integrating cultures such as equating ancient tamil deities with their similar vedic deities by giving new characters , Introducing varnas [cast system/social classes] etc .Also these deities assumed Sanskrit names.Murugan and Skanda or subramanya seem to be identical but different deities who were later merged into one as said above. Murugan is always associated with youth and wisdom. His consort is Valli (Devayani,  was a later addition..when he was associated with Skandha, Skandha consort also became associated with Murugan).Naturally Murugan was both the deity of those who desired wisdom as well the deity of those who were warriors.Tamils still call their kurinchi land division deity as Murugan ,but ariyanised Kerala & Kannada people call him as Subramanya Swamy. Even Tamil shaivites do not understand that murugan & Skandha or
Subramanya are in fact different.The Integration of Dravidian Murugan and Aryan Skanda has taken place when Pallavas came to Tamil Nadu. The Brahmins have spearheaded this integration.The Aryan god had a father but no mother and Dravidian god has mother but no father.The Dravidian mother Korravai was identified with Kali, Durga or Amman as early as Sangam age.Since Kali /Durga were identified with Parvati the consort of Shiva, Murugan was identified as son of Shiva.The myth also was made up to represent two kind of marriage, Kalavu – love marriage (a Tamil/Dravidian tradition- Valli and Murugan) and Karpu – arranged marriage (Brahmin tradition- Theivanai and Murugan).There after,they introduced relationships among god as elder brother,younger brother,sister,cousin etc so that common people could understand easily.Now Pillair & Murugan are children of Siva,Thirumal cousin of Siva,...Korravai was the sanga period ancient tamil's  victory goddess. The real connection between Indus valley mother goddess & sanga period's Korravai was not clear ,but we can assumed that there should be a possible close connection between them.

[Kandiah Thillaivinayagalingam]

Part:04 Will follow

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