by: Kandiah Thillaivinayagalingam]
ancestors in the Paleolithic period,between 2.5 million and 10,000 years ago
and before agriculture and industry, lived as hunter-gatherers : picking berry
after berry off of bushes;digging up tumescent tubers;chasing mammals to the
point of exhaustion;scavenging meat,fat and organs from animals that larger
predators had killed;and eventually learning to fish with lines and hooks and
hunt with spears,nets,bows and arrows.Diet has been an important part of our
evolution-as it is for every species-and we have inherited many adaptations
from our Paleo predecessors.Understanding how we evolved could,in
principle,help us make smarter dietary choices today.Every single species
commonly consumed today-whether a fruit,vegetable or animal-is drastically
different from its Paleolithic predecessor.In most cases,we have transformed
the species we eat through artificial selection:we have bred cows,chickens and
goats to provide as much meat,milk and eggs as possible and have sown seeds
only from plants with the most desirable traits-with the biggest
fruits,plumpest kernels,sweetest flesh and fewest natural toxins.
a reasonable assumption that our ancestors ate most of their food in the
afternoon or evening.For example, Game had to be found,
hunted,killed,butchered,and usually cooked.Tubers and vegetables had to be
found,dug,gathered,and prepared.So any “breakfast” eaten by hunter-gatherers
would most likely have been leftovers from the night before-if they were lucky
enough to have any.No one knows the exact timing and size of meals in different
agricultural societies throughout history and I don’t put much stock in what
passes for historical accounts , but it’s clear that we’re not going to
reliably have food to eat soon after awakening unless we’ve got domesticated
animals,or a storehouse of previously harvested and prepared grains or
tubers.As opposed to the leisurely life of hunter-gatherers,which usually
involves dramatically less work than ours farming is labor-intensive,and it
usually starts at dawn with the rooster-so it’s not surprising that people
would want to fuel up before beginning a long day of hard
work.Historically,farmers seem to have eaten whatever food they had
available.Hunter-gatherers most likely ate breakfast infrequently,if at
all.When they did,it was leftovers.
been brought up on the idea of three square meals a day as a normal eating
pattern,but it wasn't always that way.We grew up believing in three meals a
day.But it's a cultural construct.People around the world,even in the West,have
not always eaten three squares.The three-meals model is a fairly recent
convention,For more than a thousand years the one-meal system was the rule from
a great BBC article on the history of breakfast,lunch and dinner.Breakfast as
we know it didn’t exist for large parts of history.The Romans didn’t really eat
it,usually consuming only one meal a day around noon,says food historian
Caroline Yeldham.So in the history of some of the greatest academic and athletic
ate but only one “main” meal per day! In terms of “meal” in the
quotes above,this was most likely referring to their larger “cooked” feast
later in the day.It was more like 2 meals.The later meal being the main and
larger one, but they most likely also had an earlier smaller “meal” at some
point.For me….I like this old 16th century proverb to sum it all up:"To
rise at six,dine at ten,sup at six and go to bed at ten,makes a man live ten
times ten".I think the concept of 3 meals a day is very recent.Early
humans probably had 2 meals a day-just after sunrise and just before sunset. 2
meals probably made more sense as it synchronised with day and night.The
concept of a night-time meal is probably after the invention of electricity.As
we evolved,we started doing more activities that stretched into the later part
of the evening-so probably needed to spread out our meals.
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