Origins of Tamils?[Where are Tamil people from?]PART :82

From the Journey of Man of Spencer Wells,We find that the a race,higher in culture ,ancestors of the Indian clan,M20 the marker of the speakers of Dravidian languages in India,who belong to Haplogroup L,gradually made its way from the north or north-west ,probably through Baluchistan into the plain of the Indus,and thence ultimately passed down into the regions south of the Vindhya,where the four southern states lie.This race may be called the proto-dravidian.This first major wave of migration into India/southern India from the Middle East and southwestern Asia,around 30,000 years ago,would have encountered the earlier coastal migrants,bearers of the M130 genetic marker,saw Blacks with straight hair,low in culture,more or less by the physical features now known as dravidian,still living there.This early people,however,should more properly be termed pre-dravidian.This proto-dravidians mixed its blood to greater or less degree with that of the
earlier inhabitants,pre-dravidian. From these combinations have arisen the dravidians history.The M 20 is found at highest frequency in the populations of south,In some southern populations,even M20 reaches a frequency of over 50 per cent,while it is found only sporadically outside India.Today, the frequency of the Coastal marker is only around 5 per cent in southern India,and it falls in frequency as we move northward,while More than half of the Australian aborigines carry this M130 gene.This pattern suggests that the contribution from the coastal populations was minimal,at least on the male side.Hence we can safely assume that the M20 invaders took wives from the coastal population M130,but the coastal men were largely driven away,killed,or simply not given the chance to reproduce.Also the most of the pre-dravidian tribes in the countries south of the Vindhya adopted the speech of the proto-dravidians.The Himalayan Mountains separate the Indian subcontinent from north central Asia, so migration to and from the north was limited.The Indus River and the Sind desert present natural obstacles to the west,and the Arakan Mountains impede travel between the Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia.This relative isolation led,over time,to the emergence of distinct Dravidian racial characteristics.The history of every human population indicates they came from somewhere else at some point!One ethnic group might start speaking another language of a dominant people they relate to,and gradually lose their original language,but still consider themselves a separate people.Because of all these factors,we have about 10,500 ethnic groups,but only about 6700 languages Each time a group of humans move,recorded history indicates that there is intermarriage as well as conflict.
So a conquering people may become dominant by war,but will settle and over time in
most cases,the original inhabitants and the newcomers will gradually become one.The movement from Africa to Asia, then Europe happened several times.Asian groups moved farther east, and gradually most of the world was covered. There was movement back and forth out of Africa and back into Africa. Various waves of people moved in and out over the millennia.People who now live in Europe do not have the same exact set of genes of the people who now live in Africa.But neither of these are the original humans! Peoples now living in Africa likewise do not have the same exact set of genes of the original human family.Genes change – like populations change. Every new individual's genes are unique in the history of the world!The DNA sequence of any two individuals is 99.6 percent identical,regardless of which parts of the world their ancestors come from.Only about 10 percent of those differences [between individuals] are useful in predicting which populations you belong to"

What is Dravidian? Is it a culture, linguistic family or a race? Where did it originate? In Fertile Crescent,or in South India? When did it originate? 30,000 years ago,10,000 years ago or 4,000 years ago?Still the origion of the dravidians presents a buffling problem to the historions.It has been held by some scholars that the dravidians were the descendants of the primitive inhabitants of India.Relying on the similarity between Sumerian & Dravidian ethinic type,some scholars argue that the dravidians invaded India from western Asia through Baluchistan.Due importance should be attached to the fact that the speech of a Baluchi tribe,is Brahui,which bears close resemblance to the modern Dravidian language. Long before the beginning of the christian era the dravidian south had developed a cosiderable culture of its own and its inhabitants had developed themselves into powerful kingdoms,some of which carried on a thriving trade with western Asia,Egypt,and later with the Greek and Roman Empires.The chief of these were three Tamil kingdoms,the Andhras,Kalinga and Mahararastra.Also there is good ground for supposing that before the coming of the indo-Aryans,speakers of the dravidian languges predominate both in northern & southern India.Available literature suggest that the Dravidian culture and Proto-Dravidian language originated in the Eastern part of Fertile Crescent[ Sumeria],as the original home of Dravidian speakers and first spoken here some 10,000 years ago.This proposition then raises a question,whether Dravidian is not South Indian in origin.How did the people who migrated subsequently from Central Asia to India adopt Dravidian Linguistics?The migration of man is ancient and having occupied all the continents some 50,000 years ago,he diverged giving rise to racial features due to isolation.To conclude, I request all the great Tamil scholars,eminent archaeologist and mathematical experts to join together in this noble research to establish the glory of Tamil language and Tamil race to the whole world. 

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