by: Kandiah Thillaivinayagalingam]
[Skeleton of a 12-year-old Sumerian boy, from the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.] |
we don’t know where sumerians genes came from.We have no idea
who their modern descendants would be,and we’ve never been able to test the DNA
of Sumerian remains until now.A complete skeleton from the Sumerian capital of
Ur,dating back to about 4,500 BCE,was recently rediscovered in the Penn Museum
in Philadelphia —Sometimes the best archaeological discoveries aren't made
in the field. Scientists at the Penn Museum have re-discovered an important
find in their own storage rooms, a complete human skeleton about 6,500 years
old. The mystery skeleton had been stored in a coffin-like box for 85 years,
all trace of its identifying documentation gone.However,a project to digitize
old records from a world-famous excavation brought that documentation,and the
history of the skeleton,back to light.This was Unearthed in 1929–30 by Sir
Leonard Woolley's joint Penn Museum/British Museum excavation team at the site
of Ur in what is now southern Iraq,and belief that its intact teeth may include
enough soft tissue to allow DNA testing.This will tell us soon where the first
city-builders came from and who their contemporary descendants are.The
migration of the Sumerians is one of the great untold stories of human
civilization;if we aim to tell it,DNA is the best tool we have.I also should
like in passing to note that it is not at all fortuitous that early
civilizations which arose in the
valleys of the Nile,the Tigris and
Euphrates,and lastly of the Indus,bore the marks of black men and the Venetian
traveler Marco Polo,who visited India in 1288 and again 1293, referred to The
darkest man is here the most highly esteemed and considered better than the
others who are not so dark.Let me add that in very truth these people portray
and depict their gods and their idols black and their devils white as snow.For
they say that God and all the saints are black and the devils are all
white.That is why they portray them as I have described"

In truth we now know,based on
recent scientific studies of DNA,that modern humanity originated in Africa,that
African people are the world's original people,and that all modern humans can
ultimately trace their ancestral roots back to Africa.Were it not for the
primordial migrations of early African people,humanity would have remained
physically Africoid,and the rest of the world outside of the African continent
absent of human life.Many anthropologists believe that humans may have migrated
out of Africa in waves.More than a million years ago,humanity's primitive
ancestors,known as Homo erectus,walked out of Africa to colonize Europe,the
Middle East and Asia.On that everyone agrees.
Then several hundred thousand
years later,some theorize,a second wave of more sophisticated tool-using
humans,Homo sapiens,migrated out of Africa and overwhelmed those earlier
ancestors.According to that theory,modern humans are descended solely from
those especially sophisticated tool-users You may think 'how did they cross
oceans to be in different continents?' But the land then was connected and it
was only separated after the 'Ice Age'.They may travelled partially by raft/
partially by land,This break from Africa into the wider world occurred around
60,000 to 70,000 years ago.these early beachcombers expanded rapidly along the
coast to India,and reached Southeast Asia and Australia by 50,000 years
ago.Slightly later,a little after 50,000 years ago,a second group migrated out
of Africa,into the Middle East and southern Central Asia.From this inauspicious
start came a population that would one day cover almost every landmass on the
globe.Around the time that people were first venturing outside the
continent,hunting and gathering was still the lifestyle of choice.Humans lived
in communities that rarely exceeded a couple of hundred individuals,and social
bonds were formed to enable these small bands of people to share food resources
and hunt co-operatively. With the evolution of language,these bonds blossomed
into the beginnings of society and culture as we know it today.
The first moves
away from the nomadic hunter–gatherer
way of life came between 14,000 BC and 9500 BC,a time when rainfall was high
and the Sahara and North Africa became verdant.It was in these green and
pleasant Fertile Crescent lands that stretching in a broad semicircle from the
Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates,the first farmers were born,and mankind
learned to cultivate crops rather than following prey animals from place to

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