[Compiled by: Kandiah

An early and influential work in the area that
set the trend for Saiva/Hindu interpretations of archaeological evidence from
Harrapan sites was that of John Marshall,who in 1931 identified the
following as prominent features of the Indus religion:a Great Male God [
Pashupati Seal, after Pashupati (lord of the beasts)] and a Mother Goddess
[based upon excavation of several female figurines];symbolic representation of
the phallus (linga) and vulva (yoni);These large number of prototype of the
Shiva lingam—phallic-shaped rocks[conical or cylindrical polished stones in the
form of Linga or Phallus stones] similar to those used today by Shiva’s
devotees and the female organ which
suggests that the then people might be worshipping these sexual organs as found
among other agricultural and tribal peoples,the primitive form of Shaivism,the
foundation on which the modern day shaivism/ Hinduism grew up.Further ,The word
`Shiva' is of Dravidian etymology, `civa' meaning `reddened' or `angry' in
Tamil.Though the language used today in & around the former Indus valley
area are Indo-Aryan or Indic languages & further they only came to India
around 2,000 BC,during the Collapse of this great civilization,It is believed
that Indus valley people were not belongs to this indo-european
people.Further,Sivalinkas which are found in the Indus Valley Civilization is
later on degraded in the Vedas.Also Certain trees seem to have been treated as
sacred such as Peepal[Peepul,Pippal or Bo-Tree].This worship of trees was
widespread during the Indus valley civilization.One of the seals shows a god
standing between the branches of a Peepal tree and the god was being worshipped
by a devotee on his knees.The discovery of a large number of seals with Peepal trees engraved on them suggests that this tree was considered sacred, same as some nowadays Hindu do.Hence worship of Pipal tree & Great mother goddess was a Pre-Aryan Religious Heritage.However there were no sign for any form of temples.Hence The early Indus Valley civilisation (Harappa and Mohenjo Daro) is often identified as having been Dravidian Cultural and linguistic similarities have been cited by researchers such as Finnish Indologist Asko Parpola as being strong evidence for a proto-Dravidian origin of the ancient Indus Valley civilisation.
Though there were few Lord siva images were
found among Indus valley
excavation as an objects of worship as the Pashupati
seal found ,in which the three faced male god is shown seated in a yogic
posture, surrounded by a rhino and a buffalo on the right, and an elephant and
a tiger on the left, Most of the scholars belief that worship of mother goddess
was prominent among all.Sir John Hubert Marshall listed mother goddess as the
most famous deity, followed by the above said three faced male god &
prototype of the Shiva lingam or the male organ.The mother goddess was dominant
shows that the society was predominantly matriarchal.
Sir John Marshall’s excavation about 92/93
years ago,in 1922 has proven that Saivism existed 3000 years ago before Christ,
that is 5000 years from today.Sir John Marshall has excavated 7 layer of soil
in the spot of Mohenjodaro Harappa by an estimation of 500 years per layer.Great
India’s philosopher and ex-president of India; Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who
wrote History of Hinduism. (Second President of India (1962-1967).“The
possibilities of the origin of Saivism is more than the agreed date and period
which cannot be determined because the first layer was not identified”This
shows that
before the Aryans came,Saivism has already florished in India.These
facts were all verified by Non Indians,thus makes Saivism the oldest religion
in the world.The date of its origin is yet to be accurately identified
today.Hence though Thiruvasagam says "Salutations to Siva
who has south of India,Salutations to him who is God of the entire
world"[“தென்னாடுடைய சிவனே போற்றி எந்நாட்டவர்க்கும் இறைவா போற்றி”] and Tirumandiram says "where ye will,
there's no God like Siva,None here below to equal Him in glory” ["சிவனோடு ஒக்கும் தெய்வம் தேடினும் இல்லை அவனோடு ஒப்பார் இங்கு யாவரும் இல்லை”], We have to leave
south India & go to Indus valley civilization of 3000 BC to find its origin
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