Compiled by: Kandiah Thillaivinayagalingam]
Dr Clyde Winters[Ph.D Uthman dan Fodio Institute, Chicago, IL 60643] in his article
"Dravidian is the language of the Indus writing",published in CURRENT
SCIENCE, VOL. 103, NO. 10, 25 NOVEMBER 2012 had mentioned the
followings:1]Total about 3000 seal inscriptions have been unearthed from the
Mohenjodaro and Harappan sites.2]The writing indicates that this population was
literate and spoke a Dravidian language.This Indus Valley inscriptions were
written in Tamil.It was a syllabic writing system related to linear Elamite
writing and Proto-Sumerian seals The Indus Valley writing was probably not used
to write the Indo-Aryan language because the Aryan speakers did not arrive in
India until after 1600 BC3]The Harappans believed that man must do good and
live a benevolent life so that he could obtain ‘pukal’ [fame/புகழ் ), for his right
doing(s).Through the adoption of benevolence an individual would obtain the
reward of gaining the good things of life in the present world – and the world
beyond. In general, the Harappan seals indicate that the Harappans sought
righteousness and a spotlessly pure mind.Purity of mind was the ‘sine qua
non’,for happiness ‘within’.4] In South India, the Dravidians continued to use
the Indus Valley writing which they called Tamili to inscribe pottery,write on
leaves and in caves 5]The Tamili inscriptions are from an earlier period than
Brahmi writing
[a hand-held axe with the Indus script on it at Mayiladuthurai] |
The discovery of a Neolithic stone celt,a hand-held axe,with the
Indus script on it at Mayiladuthurai in Tamil Nadu and more than ten burial
urns of Megalithic period also found in Tamil nadu with graffiti marks on them
& These scripts look similar to that of the Indus Valley script.All of this
confirms that the Neolithic people of Tamil Nadu shared the same language
family of the Harappan group,which can only be Dravidian.
Also the high level of Indus valley civilization strongly
indicates that its inhabitants must have had some form of medical
discipline'their sophisticated water drainage system and communal baths
indicate their awareness of hygiene.However we do not know about the medical
systems of the indus valley civilization.On the other hand,we do know that the
aryans were highly religious.Their religious symbols and practices became
formalized as Hinduism,which also incorporated certain practices of the Indus
valley,as for example,a sense of hygiene.
[A Tamil-Brahmi inscribed potsherd/burial urn] |
As the Sumerians settled in the valleys between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers,a land known as Mesopotamia,the area known today as Kuwait and
Iraq,The Indus Valley people too settled in the flood plain of the Indus and
Hakra rivers,in the area that is now Pakistan,part of Afghanistan and Northern
India The two most important cities were Mojeno-doro and Harappa.It is now
understood that the Sumerian and Harappan economies developed along similar
lines,and have comparable religious and social structures.Nevertheless the
Mesopotamians stayed in existence for hundreds of years compared to the Indus
Valley tribe who died out rather rapidly.Also if Homo Sapiens left the East
Coast of Africa 75,000 years ago,they would have also had to travel through
Mesopotamia first.The civilizations in
Mesopotamia was Recognisable since 5000 BC,though the written records
exist only from 3300 BC and this great civilisation fell around 2000 BC.The
Indus Valley Civilization(IVC) probably around in 3300 BC[Farmers build
villages in the indus valley] & Between 1900 and 1700 BC,this great
civilisation started to fall apart.Some of the Indus valley objects were later
found in Mesopotamia..Also,preliminary study of tooth enamel from individuals
buried at Harappa and at the Royal Cemetery of Ur,indicates that it should be feasible
to identify Harappans in
Mesopotamia.This also confirmed by above shown Shu-ilishu’s cylinder seal,which
referring to the personal translator of the ancient Indus or Meluhan language,
Shu-ilishu,who lived around 2020 BC during the late Akkadian period.Here
Meluhhan carried an antelope on his hands.Also Based on cuneiform documents
from Mesopotamia we know that there was at least one Meluhhan village in Akkad
at that time,with people called “Son of Meluhha” living there.
Further, Sumerian texts repeatedly refer to three important
centers with
[South Arcot:"The script found in a cave,away from the temple,resemble Indus script,'' according to Dr. R. Madhivanan, Chief Editor of Tamil Etymological Projects.] |
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