[Compiled by: Kandiah Thillaivinayagalingam]
Spencer Wells is a
Geneticist,Director of the Genographic Project.In his books "The Journey
of Man A Genetic Odyssey” and “Deep Ancestry Inside The Genographic Project,he
explains many things,including a genetic marker, M17, which is the signature of
the Aryan invaders from the steppe.
According to
this,Genetic Marker M168 emerged in africa Roughly
50,000 years ago,During the
same period,a man was born,probably southern asia,carrying Genetic Marker M130
(M168-M130).His recent ancestors had just began the first major wave of
migration out of Africa.They followed the African coastline,South
India,Srilanka,and Southeast Asia.They were the the first inhabitants of India
& Srilanka. Genographic Project has now revealed that,A. Virumandi,a Tamil,
of Usilampatti in Madurai district,Tamil nadu,India is one among the remnants of a tribe of coastal migrants who crossed Africa through the Indian subcontinent to enter Australia 50,000 years ago.It was also found amongst the Veddahs of Srilanka !,Now only Less than 5% of Indian men have this marker.most of them in places like Tamil Nadu and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.Following this,M89 emerged at about 45,000 years ago &
M9[The Eurasian Clan] about 40,000 years ago,on the plains of Iran or southern central Asia.The great mountain ranges of the southern central Asia- the Hindu Kush running west to east, the Himalayas running north-west to south-east and the Tien Shan running south-west to north-east-would have been formidable barriers to movement of this clan.It was because of these mountains that this Eurasian migrants would have been split into two groups.One moving to the north of the Hindu Kush, the other to the south, into Pakistan.This Upper Palaeolithic people who headed south,though,had an unrelated mutation on their Y-chromosome known as M20.It is not found a appreciable frequencies outside of India - perhaps 1-2 per cent in some Middle Eastern populations.In the subcontinent,though,around 50 per
cent or above of the men in southern India have M20.The group that carries Genetic Marker M20 (M168-M9-M20) migrated into India in large numbers (the haplogroup L that has this marker is known as the Indian clan).This migration into India happened approximately 30,000 years ago.As some members of the M9 clan were migrating towards India other members of the group headed north towards Central Asia and Europe.From this group came the M173 marker which is the first large wave of human migration to Europe.For some strange reason some members of the M173 group turned and headed back towards South Asia.may be due to climatic conditions.From this returning group comes the [M168 > M89 > M9 > M45 > M207 > M173 > M17]M17 Indo-European marker.The M17 marker first appears about 10,000 to 15,000 years ago when a man was born on the grassy steppes in the region of present-day Ukraine or southern Russia.His descendents became the nomadic steppe dwellers[Kurgans, nomadic horsemen?] who eventually spread as far a field as India and Iceland.Also Chariots which were developed by this group before 3000 B.C,offered an invaded Aryan warrior a stable platform from which to shoot arrows and cast spears at his enemies,Indus valley dravidian people.Also have the horse,which was domesticated probably a 1000 years earlier in the western steppes was of great importance for them in a war against Indus valley people, because the horse-riding warrior was able to easily maneuver around his Indus valley foot-soldier enemy Today a large concentration – around 40 percent – of the men living from the Czech Republic across the steppes to Siberia,and south throughout Central Asia are descendents of this clan.In India, around 35 percent of the men in Hindi-speaking population carry the M17 marker,whereas the frequency in neighbouring communities of Dravidian speakers is only about ten percent.The distribution adds weight to linguistic and archaeological evidence suggesting that a large migration from the Asian steppes into India occurred only within the last 10,000 years,most probably within 5,000 years.Hence taken with the archaeological data,we can say that the old hypothesis of an invasion of people - not merely their language - from the steppe appears to be true.
The city-state of Elam
in southwest Iran,east of Sumeria,which had a high civilization throughout the
ancient period,shows an agglutinative structure like the Dravidian,as does
possibly the Sumerian itself.This would place Dravidian type languages in Iran
as well.Thereby the Dravidians,just like the Aryans,would have migrated (again
the reason for which is not clear) from Central Asia and into Iran,with one
group moving west to Mesopotamia and the other, apparently larger group,going
east into India.In fact,all the various peoples of India—the Austrics, the
Dravidian,the Mongolians and the Aryans—came,at some point,from some where
else[Africa, the Middle East and other parts of Asia] at different periods
Russian scholar Yuri
Knorozov surmised that the symbols represent a logosyllabic script and
suggested, based on computer analysis,an underlying agglutinative Dravidian
language as the most likely candidate for the underlying language.Knorozov’s
suggestion was preceded by the work of Henry Heras,who suggested several
readings of signs based on a proto-Dravidian assumption.Most of the Indus
valley seals had been read by Dr. R. Mathivanan and it is established that it
is Tamil writings.
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