[Compiled by: Kandiah Thillaivinayagalingam]
Indus Valley[Mohenjo Daro
& Harappa] civilization
in 1920 - 22 at Harappa & Mohenjodaro (which lie in what is now Pakistan)
confirmed the existence of a unknown civilization in the Indus Valley.These
great cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro, built of brick, including well
constructed houses, a regular city plan and an elaborate covered drainage
exist that Harappa and Mohenjodaro which were strongly fortified citadels with
rectangular watchtowers at regular intervals were seats of centralized
government resembling that of autocratic priesthoods or priest-kings who
combined the secular and religious administration similar to temple rulers of
Ur in Mesopotamia.
have revealed nine occupation levels,one above the other,indicating long
periods of prosperity and then decline.It was finally abandoned around 1700 BC.
most characteristics of all objects found are the seals and sealings.Some Indus
Valley seals found in Mesopotamian sites have helped to establish the close
connections between the two cultures and to fix a date for the Indus Valley
civilization.The date of the Indus Valley has been fixed as about 3000 - 1800
archaeologists such as Sir John Marshall,Sir Mortimer Wheeler,Father Heros,Dr.
H.R. Hall,Iravatham Mahadevan,Asko Parpola have published their Discoveries and
Findings about Indus valley civilization.Indus valley civilization could be
called as Tamil civilization,as More evidences are found from the
artefacts excavated,Type & style of
the buldings found and the coins & seals used.Because of the different
opinions on different characters so far none of the Indus Valley
Civilization,could not read completely as no bilingual inscription[or so called
rosataston inkiripsan] available for this purpose.However many believe that
Harappan is a form of Tamil-Brahmi script.Also the Russian team headed by Yuri
Valentinovich Knorozov[November 19, 1922 – March 31, 1999] suggested that the language of the Indus Valley civilization
was probably an older Dravidian.
Indus Valley is contemporary with the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Ancient
Egypt.The civilization is famous for its large and well-planned cities and
Hygiene,including world's first known urban sanitation systems.Also the
evidence suggests that the Indus Valley Civilization had social conditions
comparable to Sumeria and even superior to the contemporary Babylonians and
Egyptians.Over 1,052 cities and settlements have been found so far.Most of
these are small,but amongst them are some of the largest cities of their
time,especially Harappa and Mohenjo-daro.The huge Indus river system waters a
rich agricultural landscape and this Indus plain is surrounded by high
mountains, desert and ocean, and at that time dense forest to the east.The
total length of the Indus river is about 3,180 km (1,980 mi)
Indus Valley civilisation left no temples or tombs like the Pyramids of
Egypt,or Ziggurat of ancient Sumeria[Mesopotamia] and no great statues of kings
or gods.Indus Valley people made small figures of people and animals using
metal and clay.Only a few small statues survive.One is the Priest-King,with his
beard and his patterned robe.Another figure is a 'dancing girl' in bronze,only
11 cm high.This shows that Indus Valley people liked to dance.The dancing girl
wears very little,but has lots of bangles on her arms.Her hair is in a plait.
Indus Valley civilization also raises few unresolved questions.such as:Why did
this civilization,considering its sophistication, not spread beyond the Indus
Valley?,Why did this civilization not develop agriculture on any large
scale?Why did this civilization not practice canal irrigation or did not have the
heavy plough? and. Most significantly, under what circumstances did the Indus
Valley cities undergo a decline?
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